John Holt GWS

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John Taylor Gatto Update

John Taylor Gatto and his wife Janet continue to need our help.

  1. If you or your group can fund a state of the art iPad for John, he is so eager to have this at his side. (If you can do this, be sure to notify his helper, Barb Lundgren, so he only receives one! She can be reached via his site through

  2. If you can donate money to assist with their ongoing living expenses, they would be so grateful.

  3. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, John and Janet are both very much in need of some moral support. They would be so delighted to hear from you. Please send them a card, a letter, a memorable story, something your kids or family painted or drew or created.

John and Janet both are confined to their apartment with little mobility. Both have suffered serious strokes. Verbal communication is difficult. Still, they are both determined to survive and heal. John continues to write and help folks via his blog. We are all better people through their committed work. Please help if you can!

Visit John's medical fund website for the mailing address to send checks and cards/letters/special somethings:

To read John's blog and learn more about his work, visit his primary website: