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John Holt's Books in Translation

This list is compiled from the books I physically own and the contracts I have on file for translations of Holt's books that were actually published. Books with their foreign titles listed are one's that I physically possess; the translation contracts all just have the English title, not the final translated title, so I can only give the publisher, city, and year of publication for those.

Escape From Childhood

  • Editions Payot, France, 1976.
  • S'évader de l'enfance, Editions L'Instant Present, Paris, France 2015.
  • Eklavya, Bhopal, India, 2003.
  • Beyaz Yayinlari, Istanbul, Turkey, 1999.
  • Zum Teufel mit der Kindheit, Wetzlar, Verl. Büchse der Pandora, 1978

Freedom and Beyond

  • Libertad y algo mas, Editorial El Ateneo, Buenos Aires, 1976.
  • Freiheit ist mehr: von den Grenzen schulischer Erziehung, Ravensburg, Maier, 1974.

How Children Learn (Original and revised editions)

  • Versus Editora, Brazil, 2007.
  • Penguin, UK, 1998.
  • Kastaniotis, Athens, Greece, 1994?
  • Strom—GPA, Prague, Czech Republic, 1995.
  • Tuttle-Mori Agency, Tokyo, Japan, 1983.
  • Como aprenden los niños pequeños y los escolares, Paidos, Buenos Aires,1974.
  • Pax Forlag A/S, Oslo, Norway, 1994?
  • Arvind Gupta, New Delhi, India, 1995.
  • Wie Kinder lernen, Weinheim, Beltz, 1971.
  • Wie kleine Kinder schlau werden, Weinheim [u.a.], Beltz, 1997.

How Children Fail (Original and revised editions)

  • Educational Science Publishing House, Beijing, China, 2016.
  • Dificuldades Em Aprender, Editorial Presenca, Lisbon, 2001.
  • Zoshinkai Ltd., Shizuoka, Japan, 2003.
  • Rajkamal Prakashan Pvt, Ltd., New Delhi, India, 1990.
  • Gondolat Konyvkiado, Budapest, Hungary, 1989.
  • Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale SRL, Milan, Italy
  • Tuttle-Mori Agency, Tokyo, Japan, 1983.
  • Forlag A/S, Oslo, Norway, 1994.
  • Editorial Troquel, S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1994.
  • Hans Reitzels Forlag A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1994.
  • Chancen für unsere Schulversager, Lambertus-Verl., Freiburg i. Br.; 1969.
  • Aus schlauen Kindern werden Schüler, Weinheim, Beltz, 2004.

Instead of Education

  • El facaso de la escuela, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, Spain, 1975, 1989.
  • El porque del fracaso escolar, Editorial Troquel, Buenos Aires, 1977.
  • En vez de educacion, Editorial Paidos, Buenos Aires, 1974.
  • Apprendre Sans l'Ecole, Editions L'Instant Present, Paris, 2012.
  • Zamiast Edukacji, Impuls, Krakow, Poland, 2007.
  • Eklavya, Bhopal, India, 2003.
  • Other India Press & Shikshantar, Goa, India, 2002 (English language edition).
  • Arvind Gupta, New Delhi, India, 2002 (Hindi, Gujrati, Malayalam, Marathi, and Telegu language editions).

Learning All the Time

  • Les apprentissages autonomes, Editions L’Instant Present, Paris, France 2011.
  • Lighthouse Books, Norfolk, UK, 1996.
  • Arvind Gupta, New Delhi, India, 1995.
  • Learning Center, Nellore, India, 1994.

Never Too Late

  • Living Psychology Publishers, China, 2006.
  • Shunjusha, Japan, 2002.
  • Lighthouse Books, Norfolk, UK, 2004.

Teach Your Own

  • Ikkosha ATD, Japan, 1983.
  • Lighthouse Books, Norfolk, UK, 1997.
  • Bildung in Freiheit, Genius Verlag, Bremen, Germany, 2009.

The Underachieving School

  • El fracaso de la escuela, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, Spain, 1977.

What Do I Do Monday?

  • Wozu überhaupt Schule?, Ravensburg, Maier, 1975.
  • Kinder lernen selbständig oder gar nicht(s), Weinheim, Basel, Beltz, 1999.