John Holt camping with the Talbot family.

John Holt camping with the Talbot family.

TEACH YOUR OWN is available for sale and can be found or ordered in local bookstores or online.

You can listen and watch a recording of the speech about my 40 years of work with TEACH YOUR OWN on YouTube:

Unschooling Neurodiverse Children

Recorded on Facebook Live on Jan. 29, 2023 you can view the recording of this informative session on YouTube:


John Holt founded GWS in 1977, then wrote Teach Your Own in 1981 and revised his bestsellers How Children Fail and How Children Learn in 1983 in light of his new-found knowledge about homeschooling, which he preferred to call unschooling.

This new addition to the complete collection of GWS issues (there are 141 issues!) contains the last public writing by John about how children and adults learn outside of the school-instruction model, his thoughts on how social change can happen, and how parents, schools, and communities can support self-directed education for everyone.

Purchase the print version here, or purchase the pdf version from this website.


GWS Vol. 3, in print and digital media.

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Stories and reflections about John Holt’s life and thought from people who knew him well.

50th anniversary edition. Read more about it.

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Our Story

After decades of work as a classroom teacher and school reformer John Holt decided that schooling was not the same as education. His first books, How Children Fail and How Children Learn, have been in print for 50 years and his revisions to them reflect his deep thinking about how self-directed education can work for all people.

After writing Instead of Education: Ways to Help People Do Things Better, John Holt learned about homeschooling and decided to support it by publishing his networking newsletter, Growing Without Schooling (GWS), in 1977.




It all started when…

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