Homeschooling as a Political, Economic, and Social Force for Change by Yale Wishnick
Southwest Institute for Violence Free Learning (SWIVL)
Yale Steven (Y.S.) Wishnick has over 30 years of experience with public and private organizations around the country. His experiences include policy development, labor relations, Preschool through higher education, personnel matters, strategic planning, and individual and organizational goal setting and coaching. Dr. Wishnick has worked with community, state, and national organizations at both the macro and micro levels. As a strength-based coach, he has worked with individuals, teams, and large groups to resolve conflicts, increase collaboration, and solve problems.
Wishnick is convinced that every individual can be successful by focusing on their strengths and positive experiences and less on deficits and weaknesses. Wishnick has dedicated his life to enhancing the value of each individual within a framework of mutually shared respect, support and trust.
Most recently, he directed the California Teachers Association Institute for Teaching, a think tank dedicated to improving the quality of education for all children. During his work with teachers, administrators, students, parents, and community and business leaders, Wishnick found we cannot improve our schools through traditional methods. He determined that the challenges facing our schools are not that different from the problems we face in our economy, health care system, legal, and political framework.
Working in the schools taught Wishnick a major lesson, which he believes is fundamental, if America is to return to its greatness. The lesson is you cannot create success by becoming an expert on what's broken and you cannot understand greatness by focusing on failure. He also learned that individual liberty is not something that can be marginalized.
Wishnick believes every individual is ultimately responsible for their own success and that only when this is clearly understood will Americans be motivated to act on their own behalf. Success occurs when individuals have the freedom to maximize their strengths through hard work and perseverance. With liberty comes the opportunity to use one's strengths which offers all Americans the opportunity to create their culture of success.
Dr. Wishnick is the author of numerous articles and is here today to discuss with us the fundamental ideas in his new book, From a Culture of Dependency to a Culture of Success - Focusing on What's Right About America and the American People.
WIth his wife, Dr. Kathleen Wishnick, they are the Co-Founders of the Southwest Institute for Violence-Free Learning (SWIVL), an animal sanctuary and education center in Arivaca, Arizona.