John Holt GWS

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Ask Me Anything!

I'm going to be at the Alliance for Self-Directed Education website tomorrow, from noon to 9 pm, and you can ask me anything (AMA).

This is part of a series of AMAs that the Alliance is running. The previous ones were with Peter Gray, Akilah Richards, Grace Llewelyn, and Blake Boles; you can read those online when you join the Alliance.

Joining the conversation is easy!

  1. Log on to the Alliance for Self-Directed Education website.
  2. Become a member (we ask for a donation but don't require one to join).
  3. Enter the member forum and ask me anything! For instance, we can chat about John Holt, homeschooling, unschooling, learning, teaching, schools and what they can learn from looking beyond their learning paradigms, issues and regulations that challenge the growth of homeschooling and self-directed education around the world—whatever you want!

UPDATE: Here are the links to the Bay State Learning Center story on National Public Radio I mentioned in my previous blog post. A transcript of the recordings is provided online too.

Bay State Learning Center, Part 1

Bay State Learning Center, Part 2