The Legacy of John Holt—Now Available!

I am so excited and pleased to announce that The Legacy of John Holt: A Man Who Genuinely Understood, Trusted, and Respected Children is now published. The Kindle version will be available in a few days, but the print version is currently available.

On Friday, August 23, at 11AM, I'm delivering the opening keynote to the Homeschool Conference, a free, online event. I will speak about the creation of the book, The Legacy of John Holt, and add new insights I learned about Holt, the man and the thinker, from my work and interviews for the book, and my thoughts about the future of learning and childhood as schools continue down the path of standardization and homeschooling continues to emphasize individualization. There will be time for questions and answers with me, too. I hope to engage with you on Friday, but if you can't make it, don't worry. The entire event is being recorded and will be available for free listening after the event.