Terrible Homeschooling Legislation Proposed in France

I've been following stories about efforts in France to ban homeschooling for all but "incapacitated" children. This line of attack is similar to the legislation that successfully passed in Sweden, so there is reason to be fearful that French homeschoolers may also be easy prey for legislators seeking to "do something about" the made-up problem of unsocialized homeschoolers whom they claim undermine French education and society.

Homeschoolers from outside France are encouraged to share their stories and research about socialization, and show their support for homeschooling by signing a letter to the French Ambassador in your country (template provided). Here is the translated text from the website created to support French homeschoolers:

The French home educating community is being threatened by a proposed Parliamentary Bill to restrict the right to home educate only to ‘incapacitated’ children (sick or disabled children). Eight senators have proposed making home education illegal because of a ‘lack of socialisation’ of home educated children who, they claim, are particularly vulnerable to “mental, ideological or religious conditioning“. (http://www.senat.fr/leg/ppl13-245.html).

If you would like to support the French home education community, please send a letter of support to the French Ambassador in your country, stating how home education fosters social skills, irrespective of the style of the home education that a family chooses.

I urge you to support homeschoolers in France and elsewhere around the world; the battles they are fighting now are one's we will fight in North America, too, as compulsory education in public schools is viewed as an antidote to "mental, ideological or religious conditioning," rather than as another form of such conditioning.