Starting to Homeschool with Pat Farenga

It's taken longer to do than anticipated (life got in the way more than once for me during this project) but me and my colleagues Steve Hargadon and Rochelle Hudson have launched the paid version of the project, Starting to Homeschool with Pat Farenga.

Over the course of six, one-hour presentations I describe a flexible, vibrant, and social way to learn at home and in your community. John Holt’s ideas and work imbue my efforts with a nonsectarian, practical approach to living and learning with children.

I will show you workable, personalized, and powerful education options that build on your children’s strengths in this series of videos, reading materials, and online support.

With the videos you also receive:

  • All the resource listings and handouts for each presentation.

  • How to Report Unschooling to School Officials, a new publication by Pat Farenga.

  • Access to our private community forum where you can freely discuss homeschooling issues with other Starting to Homeschool members and staff.

  • Access to a members-only, bi-monthly chat with Pat Farenga on Google Hangouts.

The cost of the six-hour video series and all the other material and resources you receive is US$149.00.

However, I’m making a very special offer just to my Learning All the Time Newsletter subscribers. You can get it all for just $99—a $50 savings.

If you're not a subscriber, you can do so now and get the coupon code from the latest newsletter.