Volunteers Needed for GWS Proofreading Project
I have been working with Carlo Ricci and Caitlyn Free at Nipissing University to publish all the issues of Growing Without Schooling, the magazine John Holt started, in book form and as an e-book the magazine.
First, we are happy to report that with the help of many volunteers we are almost there. This project would have been impossible to complete without the hundreds of volunteers who stepped up to help us—for that we remain grateful.
We tried to do the next step on our own but we are moving at a snail’s pace. The next step is fairly straightforward but too time consuming for a small number of people to complete, so we are hoping to once again divide the work. We have 143 issues in total and if we get one person to do each (it should take about 2 to 3 hours to proofread each issue) we are optimistic that we can complete this sooner rather than later. Volunteers will proofread the Word document version of the issue against the PDF version and make sure the spelling, spacing, italics, and so on matches the original GWS issue (the PDF).
To do this project, you need access to the Internet, Adobe PDF Reader to open PDFs (this is free software), and Microsoft Word.
We first scanned the documents and then converted them to Word to get them in a form ready to publish. During the conversion from PDF to Word many errors were made that simply need to be corrected. To facilitate this process, Caitlyn created a video to show what needs to be done (see link below). This important project cannot be completed in a timely manner without the help of volunteers and so thanks again for considering this. If you have any questions or run into any challenges as you are working through this be assured that you will have our support and that we will answer your questions. So, if you are willing to help, please contact Carlo Ricci at carlor@nipissingu.ca. For your efforts, you will be mentioned in the acknowledgement section of the book. Again, without your help, we doubt that this important work can be completed.
Thanks so much and please share widely, Pat, Carlo, and Caitlyn Holt GWS