Posts in Homeschooling Current Issues
Alternatives to School

For those who do not enjoy and flourish in conventional schools there seem to be few choices: homeschool or enroll in a private school. However, even most of those choices mimic the conventional school model, so for someone who does not learn or enjoy the way school teaches they are not great options . . .

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Join an Unschooling Conference This Weekend

  This inaugural conference is our attempt to bring together as many groups and people who have a genuine interest in helping children learn in their own ways and schedules, rather than forcing children to learn what economists, politicians, and educators have decided they should know at any given age. Steve Hargadon and I have created this event rather quickly this year, but we decided we had to give it a shot and bring it to life on our own rather than continue to wait for sponsorship and the perfect moment . . .

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Buying Learning for Babies is Consumerism Gone Wild, Not Good Parenting

A new study shows that exposing children under 2 to learning videos, apps, and other screen-based educational products is not effective and the educational claims being made by the manufacturers are overblown. But parents seeking an edge for their child continue to purchase these products . . .

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Education and Consumerism

Education and Consumerism: Have schools confused being a consumer with being a citizen? Ivan Illich wrote, "The existence of schools produces the demand for schooling. Once we have learned to need school, all our activities tend to take the shape of client relationships to other specialized institutions . . ."

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Alternatives to Compulsory Education Videos

Recordings of the four speeches featured at the Alternatives to Compulsory Education Conference on April 27, 2013, at Harvard University. Speakers Cevin Soling, Pat Farenga, Peter Gray, and Peter Bergson gave powerful talks about the competence of children and offer solutions to the control and predict mentality of compulsory  education. 

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Book Review: Hacking Your Education

Any young person who feels they don’t have options other than going to college or being a loser should read this book. Hacking Your Education is a career guide and self-help book for people who don’t have a college degree in the 21st century, but it can be useful for older people with degrees who are seeking work or new careers, too . . .

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Two School Reforms You Don’t Have to Wait for Educators to Implement

Meaningful relationships with adults and honoring sleep patterns are two factors for success in life that are neglected in just about all school reforms. Photo: Kids and adults at the first Holt/Growing Without Schooling picnic in 1986.

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